Ahmadinejad e gli assassini: un rapporto privilegiato

Emanuel Baroz
30 gennaio 2009
3 commenti

Ahmadinejad e gli assassini: un rapporto privilegiato

ahmadinejad-naziTeheran, 30/01/2009 –  Il presidente iraniano Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ha decorato il terrorista infanticida Samir Kuntar in una cerimonia tenutasi giovedì a Teheran in onore di ex “prigionieri politici iraniani e del mondo”. Kuntar è arrivato in Iran dal Libano accompagnato dai capi terroristi Mustafa Dirani e Abdel Karim Obeid, i responsabili del sequestro dell’aviatore israeliano Ron Arad, anch’essi anni fa scarcerati da Israele nonostante di Ron Arad non si sia saputo più nulla. Anche loro sono stati onorati per il loro impegno “a sostegno del popolo palestinese e della resistenza libanese”.

(Fonte: Israele.net)

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  • #1esperimento

    Sai che “bella” retata, se ci fosse andata una squadra di poliziotti (onesti)!…

    30 Gen 2009, 13:16 Rispondi|Quota
  • #2Alberto

    Ahmadinejad: parenti serpenti?

    Una notizia interessante: Sul presidente iraniano, intanto, rimbalza da Teheran una curiosa ‘accusa’ dell’opposizione: per Medi Khazali, figlio di un ayatollah, il vero nome di Ahmadinejad sarebbe in realta ‘Sporjian’, di chiare origini ebraiche.

    Charge: Ahmadinejad Rants to Hide His Jewish Roots

    by Hillel Fendel

    (IsraelNN.com) The son of a leading Iranian authority accuses the Iranian President of changing his Jewish name.

    Several Iranian media sources are quoting Mahdi Khazali – the son of a leading supporter of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – as having written in a blog that the president has Jewish roots. So reports the Hebrew-language Omedia website and Radio Free Europe.

    Khazali, son of Ayatollah Abu Al-Kassam Khazali, says that Ahmadinejad changed his Jewish name on his ID card in order to hide his roots. Khazali the son says that the president hides his Jewish roots by attacking Israel and the Jews, and by expressing strong Muslim religious beliefs.

    A record of the name change still appears on the president’s ID card, however, says Khazali. His old name was Saburjian, and he hails from the Aradan region of Iran. The accusations appear in an article Khazali wrote entitled, “The Jews in Iran.” He says the time has come to “reveal the truth” about the Jews’ role in Iran.

    Ahmadinejad’s relatives once told the British paper “The Guardian” that the family had changed its name for “a mixture of religious and economic reasons.”

    Ahmadinejad will be running for re-election five months from now.


    30 Gen 2009, 13:54 Rispondi|Quota
  • #3Emanuel Baroz

    @ esperimento: quanto hai ragione…..;)

    30 Gen 2009, 14:04 Rispondi|Quota